Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

5 More Great Uses for Google Forms

I wrote a post a while back about 5 Great Ways to use Google Forms in the Classroom. I got a lot of positive feedback about the post so here are 5 more ideas! To review from my other Google Form post, questions available in Forms include: text, paragraph text, multiple choice, list, (likert) scale, grid, date, and time. The person creating the Form also has other options to choose from. Images or videos can be inserted as well. Here are 5 more ways to use Google Forms.

  1. Formative Assessments: When a user clicks submit on a Google Form, everything gets sent to a Google Sheet essentially creating a database of all submitted answers. Google Sheets come with an option for add-ons. I discussed an example of an add-on for Docs in my post: Highlighting Tool: A Great Add-On Resource.  The add-ons for Google Sheets work in the same way. There are some add-ons that can be used as a key for correcting a test. The creator of the Form can complete and submit the  Form and use what they submit as a key to auto-correct the Forms that others submit. Two add-ons that can be used for this are Flubaroo and Super Quiz. I have used Flubaroo successfully but I have not used Super Quiz yet.
  2. Collecting Student Work: I like to collect student work in shared folders using Google Drive. I describe how to do this in my post Maintaining Student Work Portfolios with Google Drive.  However, there are plenty of other ways to collect student work if you use Google Docs in your classes. All Google Docs have their own URL or web address. A simple form that requests the student’s name and the url for their paper. As student do this, all the assignments will be collected in one place. One advantage of this method is that all work is collected by assignment putting it all in one place. The other method collects work by student so there is a little but more searching when grading one assignment. One thing to keep in mind with this strategy is students will still need to make sure that the sharing options for their Doc allows others with the link to view it.
  3. Credibility Form: Forms can be created to help students learn how to evaluate the credibility of resources for research projects. I learned about this idea in a webinar by Catlin Tucker. Here is a link to an explanation by her from her site. She explains it very well.
  4. Exit Ticket: Teachers can create exit tickets for students to complete. Educators can share the link to the exit ticket with the class or embed the exit ticket on their class website. Teachers can respond to prompts in their exit ticket like:
    1. Your name
    2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable do you feel with what we covered in class today (Likert question).
    3. Question 3 can be any open ended question relating to what was covered in class.
  5. Sign Up Sheet: Sign up sheets can be created for anything ranging from a sign up sheet for who is bringing stuff in for a class party to students submitting their topic for a research project.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Do you have any uses for Google Forms that I didn’t mention? Please share in the comments below. As always, share this post with others and be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive future updates. Follow me on Twitter @JoshuaElliott3 for more tips and ideas.

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#techinpedagogyeducational technologyFlubarooGoogle AppsGoogle FormsResearchSuper Quiztechnology in the classroom • November 20, 2015

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