Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Using Google+ as a Personal Learning Network with your Students

I enjoy using social media. I use Facebook to keep up with friends and family who I do not see very often. I use Twitter and Google+ for professional development. Teachers can use social media to follow leaders in the field of education and educational technology as well as share ideas with others in their…

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Resources and Lessons Learned at the Teaching Professor Technology Conference

I had the pleasure of attending the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans a couple weeks ago.  My presentation was Blended-Learning Strategies to Extend the Learning Day. It was a great experience on many levels. Sacred Heart made a great contribution to help defray the cost of the trip which made me feel valued by…

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Learning From Our Mistakes

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” -Einstein Part of the growth process involves risk.  I often tell students that I will be pushing them out of their comfort zone.  I use the analogy of exercise.  You will not get stronger by lifting light weights that are not a challenge for…

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