Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Peer Assessment Strategies

There are benefits to having peers review and provide feedback about each other’s work. There are a few different possibilities with these strategies so lets take a look. These ideas are drawn from both high school and college classes. The individual ideas can definitely be used on multiple levels though. These ideas have inherent ties to 21st Century…

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Student Discussion Questions and Asynchronous Discussions

I wrote a post last week about Maintaining Student Work Portfolios in Google Drive. In that post, I wrote about the practice of tracking student growth with work portfolios. I described one way of how teachers can collect student work so it can be reviewed in the future for evidence of growth. Many, but not…

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Flipped Classrooms and Online Discussions

The term “flipped classroom” is one of the biggest buzzwords in education today.  A flipped classroom is defined as “a form of blended learning in which students learn content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and homework is done in class” (Flipped classroom, n.d., para. 1).  I like the concept of flipped classrooms,…

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