Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Technology in the Social Studies Classroom

Becoming a teacher can be a daunting task. A new teacher has to take in a lot of information ,which can be overwhelming. There are many different things to remember including the different sets of standards teachers needs to consider when creating lessons. A normal lesson plan in a methods course can possibly include content…

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Using Atavist in the Classroom

I was looking for interesting ways to do a class introduction when I came across Atavist. Atavist is a publishing and storytelling resource. It can be used to address aspects of both the writing and speaking & the listening common core standards. You can add several features to your Atavist project including text, pictures, videos,…

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Guiding Standards and Skills Video

This video discusses the relationship between Common Core State Standards, the ISTE NETS, and 21st century skills along with their overlapping role in the classroom. Follow me on Twitter @JoshuaElliott3 for more tips and ideas. Share This:

Using Research as a Learning Process

It is important for students to be able to evaluate resources when conducting research. At the beginning of many research projects, students are told they cannot use Wikipedia.  Do they know why Wikipedia is not appropriate for a research project. Do they know to ask any of the following questions?: What are the author’s credentials? Does…

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Perceptions of Teacher Technology Skills

I have written about the concept of digital natives in previous posts.  My assertion was that although sound in concept, the term digital native could raise some misperceptions.  I have met many people for whom English is a second language who speak the language very fluently and competently.  I have also met many who grew…

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