Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Optimizing Classroom Discussion with Student Devices

Educational technology is a valuable classroom tool, but budgetary constraints can hinder availability. Some school districts have the ability to provide devices to every student, while other districts struggle to provide one operational computer lab. Listed below are some technology resources that can enhance classroom discussion despite the budgeting issues that many districts face. Some…

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Kahoot: A New Assessment Option

Note: Kahoot has added a team option that allows students to work collaboratively as a group since this post was originally written. In one of my earlier posts, I wrote about Assessment and Apps tools.  I use the tools I spoke about in that post in different classes depending on the course, the content, and…

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Building Student Collaboration and Presentation Skills

The National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) created by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) state that students should be able to “use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively” (2008, para. 2).  Several of the Google Apps found in Google Drive work great for building the skill set associated…

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Assessment Apps and Tools

Assessment is an important part of teaching. Parents and students often think of assessment as a test that we need to do well on so we get a good grade. A good teacher knows that this is not all there is to this concept. Assessments, especially formative assessments, help us determine how well our students…

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Communication and Collaboration

One thing that many educators familiar with 21st century skills agree on is that there is no set definition for what they are. Trilling and Fadel (2012) argued that there really isn’t anything new about 21st century skills.  The skills laid out have always been important.   The argument is that the skills have a…

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