Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching

Peer Assessment Strategies

There are benefits to having peers review and provide feedback about each other’s work. There are a few different possibilities with these strategies so lets take a look. These ideas are drawn from both high school and college classes. The individual ideas can definitely be used on multiple levels though. These ideas have inherent ties to 21st Century…

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5 More Great Uses for Google Forms

I wrote a post a while back about 5 Great Ways to use Google Forms in the Classroom. I got a lot of positive feedback about the post so here are 5 more ideas! To review from my other Google Form post, questions available in Forms include: text, paragraph text, multiple choice, list, (likert) scale,…

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5 Great Uses for Google Forms in the Classroom

I often use Microsoft Office as a point of reference when introducing people to Google Drive and its related apps. I point out that each component of Office has a comparable program in Google Apps. Then I discuss the positives and negatives of each Google App as compared to the equivalent Office program.  One common Google…

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Using Google Forms for Assessment and Data Gathering

I teach Advanced Placement Psychology at the high school where I work.  There is some pressure associated with this because I am the only one teaching AP Psychology and poor student performance would be completely on me.  More importantly, the student put their faith in me to prepare them adequately for the exam.  The good…

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