Tech In Pedagogy

Tech Resources For Your Teaching



AAAS: (developers of Benchmarks for Science Literacy and the Atlas of Science Literacy) has launched an innovative Web site with a bank of more than 600 multiple-choice test questions to help educators assess more precisely what students know about key ideas in science and – just as importantly – the incorrect ideas they have
Animal Homes

Cloze Activities

Creature Feature

FossWeb Dress the Bear Activity

Game for Science: Offers engaging free science games for all education levels, from elementary through college, to enhance the success of 21st century learners.

Genetics Practice Problems

Genetics Science Learning Center

Magic School Bus

Making Vaccines: Interactive website to use for teaching students about vaccines

Nina Naming Newts -Classifying

Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning: The mission of The POGIL Project is to connect and support educators interested in implementing, improving, and studying student-centered pedagogies and learning environments.

Rate Tornado Damage: An interactive website for teaching students how tornado damage is rated

Science 4 Fun: A place for kids to learn science in a fun way.

Squish the Fish – Shedd Aquarium

The science of sports: Videos

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